About Me

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Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Abandoned by the orphanage when I was six weeks old, I was left in the nearby woods where I was raised by wolves for two weeks. Then they got sick of me and abandoned me. A few things were said, I could have been more diplomatic perhaps, but I still maintain that wolf politics is corrupt bullshit. After this, a squirrel* took me in, until I realized that, whilst I was crazy about nuts, I was also allergic to squirrel hair. I hiked to town and hid inside the back of truck that was transporting Starbuck coffee cup lids and stirrers to The Big City. I stayed here for 18 years, never alerting my presence to the truck driver, who used to pull over every 500km or so and silently cry to himself. To this day, that truck driver is unaware that he was my primary caregiver growing up. I like trucks, beards, and country and western music. I've accidentally used deodorant as hairspray and vice versa on only one occasion so far. *Because of this I will not wear products made out of squirrel.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Paladins can't use maces


Tireena: Mages learn to make portals

Jerth: that's the sweet thing with mages

Bokena: at what level do u know

Echo: but paladins cant use maces

Kazzling: they can't use maces (paladins)

Main: ya pally can use maces

Kazzling: hunters can't use guns

Holysin: yeah they can use 2 hand maces

Main: also 1 hand

Shadowroot: newb

Kazzling: paladins can't use maces

Main: if pally cant use maces then how come i can equip this? [Lockjaw]

Kazzling: I have no idea... glitch?

Tireena: cuz it's a sword in disguise

Main: u learn it from the weapon trainer in IF dude

Shadowroot: haha

Kazzling: yes it's more of a sword

Kazzling: someone report hack

Kazzling: can't have just one pally in the game who can use maces

Main: rofl

Ebonknight: pallys can to yous a maces

Main: see. thank you

Ebonknight: myn dus

Hottz: LOL

Starcatcher: fail - yours its use dumbass

Ebonknight: my dus that mater?

Main: he said Myn dus as in mine does. u fail

Ebonknight: why

Kazzling: The mightly paladin mace doth lacketh!

Main: it wow fool. who need perfect spelling. if u can make out wat he saying then thats that. stupid

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